We highly recommend a consultation beforehand!

(Changing Your Colour)

Here are some of the reasons why:

What you think may be a small change, like "I just want to go a little lighter" or "I just want to go all over dark" or "I just want to be more copper and not so violet anymore," could actually be a very large color service! So it's always important to be clear with your objective (if you have one) and come prepared, knowing that what you are asking for may not be achievable with one appointment!

How is the health and condition of your hair? Have you thought about this at all as you switched from brown to red to blonde while being in the sun all summer long? Most times, the answer is no. Most times, we don't realize how terrible the things we do to our hair on a daily basis are.

What is Hair Color Correction?

A color correction is when we need to correct the undesirable results of a previous hair coloring, done either at home or at a hair salon. The undesirable color can be the result of years spent dyeing hair, using boxed hair dye, or by an inexperienced stylist not taking the proper steps to make a color transition. While some color corrections can be done in a step or two, others can be very complex and require several different visits to the salon.

Protecting Your Hair During a Color Correction to Make It Lighter

The first thing to realize is that when hair gets lightened, color is actually taken out of the hair, not put into the hair. This process causes hair to lose other essential proteins, leaving hair stripped of some nutrients. Repeatedly lightening hair can potentially cause damage to your hair, making it essential to protect your hair.

**Many color corrections are spaced over several visits. Individual goals need to be realistic because the overall integrity of the hair is always taken into consideration.**

What to Expect with a Color Correction to Darken Hair

If your hair is too light and you would like to correct the color by making it darker, your hair will need to be filled. This means that pigment will need to be inserted back into your hair, and once the hair is filled, it will need to be colored at least one more time (sometimes more than once) to get the hair color you desire. The reasoning for a filler is to insert warm tones back into the hair. This helps to avoid the hair looking muddy when going from light to dark, acting as a middle shade.

How Long Does a Hair Color Correction Take?

It is almost impossible to put an exact time on a color correction, as it all depends on how drastic a change is needed and how much damage has been inflicted upon the hair. In some cases, a color correction can be fixed in a few hours. However, in most cases, it will take either one very long session or multiple sessions spread out over a few weeks to get your hair looking beautiful and healthy once again.

Only Trust an Expert with Hair Color

A great way to save yourself time and money is to only trust an expert to color your hair. Oftentimes, in order to get a certain shade, it will require multiple steps of different hair colors, and it is impossible to know exactly what to do without the help of a hair color expert. Chemicals in hair color and bleach are very tricky to work with correctly and can result in damage to the hair if not done by a professional. Avoid having to eventually get a color correction by throwing away the boxes of hair dye at your house and visit a professional at a hair salon.


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